
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

World Cup is over boo hoo!

World Cup South Africa 2010 is over, and I'm officially sad and lost! I know I don't really watch football anymore, I don't care so much about the leagues anymore, but World Cup has been my favorite event! It's just so exciting. Plus it brings back the memory of my summer in Germany in 2006, where I could experience a lot of good and new things, (like meeting a cute dutch at the fanfest in Frankfurt Main)

Anywho, I never expected much from England. They were humiliated by the Germans. Not that I was that sad, because I support the Germans too, they've been good to me for a couple of years :P
In contrary to that, I was really really sad when the Germans lost to Spain. It's like the nightmare in 2006 came back haunting. They had such a smooth journey until the Spaniards beat them. Real sad, it could have been their year!

And the other team I support is of course the Oranje. As much as I was sad they lost to Spain too in the final, it wasn't really that bad. They were quite lucky to be able to reach the final, and Spain was just the better team that night.

What's making me super sad is that now I have to go back to my old boring life. Not having anything I'm excited about anymore is just really bringing me down. It suddenly made me miss living abroad so much. I want to experience something again! But.. I'm too afraid to get out of my totally comfort zone. It's like I'm just alive.. but I don't exactly live... (;_;)


  1. i share your feelings!

  2. Das klingt wirklich traurig. Kannst du nicht kommendes Jahr mal zu Besuch nach Deutschland kommen und dazu vielleicht im September? Ich würde mich riiiiesig freuen, wenn du zu unserer Hochzeit kommst, obwohl ich momentan nicht mal deine Adresse habe für die Einladung, aber das lässt sich ja nachholen via Mail.
    Wir hatten wirklich schöne Tage mit der WM 2006 und die EM 2008 war nicht ganz das selbe. Umso mehr habe ich der WM 2010 entgegen gefiebert, auch wenn nicht so viel von unserer recht jungen Mannschaft zu erwarten war. Dafür haben sie sich doch seeeehr gut geschlagen. Schade nur, dass es am Ende doch nicht gereicht hat. Das Potentital war da, aber am Ende hat die Angst gesiegt.
    Agu-chan, we miss you like crazy!!! Komm uns besuchen!!!
