Can anyone believe it if I say World Cup might change my life?
It happens so, after the World Cup 2010 is over, I'm left devastated and lost, and realizing that my life is completely utterly boring. All my life I've been following some kind of a path (with minor exceptions for a few years, which then end up putting me back on this path) that someone (my parents, God, I dunno) have set up for me.
Deciding that I need a kick in my life, I thought about pursuing a career as a make-up artist. Huh?
So I talked to a good friend of mine, whose life has been turned 180 degree after she got married. She is glowing everyday, doing what she likes for a living, with a very supportive husband, and still part-time a career-woman. I envy her, 100%. So we discussed about the possibilities for me to have a different path of life. She - not me - decided that I'm multi-talented, and that I will succeed in anything I pursue seriously. And she talked about it, the make-up artist thing. I blabbered to her about it before, how it WOULD be nice, but I never thought of anything serious about it, because it's just a hobby, not really something I would do for a living (why the hell not??). Answer is always the same : "I don't know, it's just not for me"
That's just one of those "dreams" that faded away in my life.
What about my passion of becoming a fashion editor for a magazine ? - nah, decided against it because I don't have enough interest keeping up with the current Mode.
A manga-illustrator ? Too much work, have to take courses first, besides, any rich successful mangaka back home? Nope, don't think so.
Becoming an interpretor for the UN? GET REAL! Such a high-skilled job requires dedication over the years, which I don't have.
Just a translator then, it has to be a little easier, right? Yeah, "but daddy is against it"
Couple consultant! I'm a good listener, and I give away good advices, because I'm good at analyzing things and have experienced them all! Wait, don't this need some kind of a psychology degree? Pfft.
This is the result after I analyzed myself!
My life is way too comfortable as it is. I live in a nice home, has an easy job, good pay, even though it's boring. Trying to weigh all the pros and cons, it's obvious that I don't have the guts to leave this life. What if I don't succeed in this and that?? I have already a nice life, why bother??
So when someone is not pinched, she would not go the extra mile for something. When you're cornered, you have to use all kind of talents, even the ones you didn't think you had in you, just to survive this cruel world. And when you're not, all those talents would just go down the drain. Like mine.
I can do something about it. I can change my own life. But I probably won't. It's just too comfortable already. What if I don't succeed?? *snickers* Oh well, what a bloody spoiled girl. Just an event like World Cup couldn't possible change that fact.